GENERAL-SCIENCE > mcq-on-biology > biology

About GENERAL-SCIENCE Following are some of the multiple choice questions on the biology with answers that will help the students in developing their knowledge.
    (1)Ribosomes are sites for
    (2)Which of the following organism breathes from skin?
    (3)Which juice secreted by the organs in the alimentary canal plays an important role in the digestion of fats?
    (4)Which of the following aquatic animals does NOT have gills?
    (5)The outer whorl is called the ________, and consists of the sepals.
    (6)Which of the following organelles shows similarity to a prokaryotic cell?
    (7)Which of the following helps in the blood clotting?
    (8)Prawns and butterflies belong to the same phylum because of the presence of _______.
    (9)The cell wall of a plant is composed of
    (10)Who was the father of DNA fingerprinting?
    (11)In which stage of meiosis does synapsis take place?
    (12)The flexibility in plants is due to a tissue called
    (13)Which of the following is an example of a green algae?
    (14)Bile Juice is formed in the
    (15)What is the actual role of oxygen in cellular respiration?
    (16)Which of the following pairs has a double circulation pathway?
    (17)Sweet potato is an underground structure which stores food. Where is the food prepared in this plant?
    (18)Sweet potato is an underground structure which stores food. Where is the food prepared in this plant?
    (19)Narcolepsy is a disease related to