COMPUTER-GK > computer-fundamentals > practice-mcq-question-on-operating-system

About COMPUTER-GK Following are some of the multiple choice questions on the practice-mcq-question-on-operating-system with answers that will help the students in developing their knowledge.
    (1)If there are multiple recycle bin for a hard disk
    (2)Identify false statement
    (3)If the displayed system time and date is wrong, you can reset it using
    (4)You should save your computer from?
    (5)World Wide Web is being standard by
    (6)A co-processor
    (7)A Microsoft Windows is a(n)
    (8)Which of the following is program group?
    (9)Which is not application software?
    (10)The ...... program compresses large files into a smaller file
    (11)Which of the following is an example of a real time operating system?
    (12)Which of the following operating system does not implement the multitasking truly?
    (13)Which of the following windows version support 64 bit processor?
    (14)What program runs first after computer is booted and loading GUI?
    (15)Which of the following operating system do you choose to implement a client server network?
    (16)Which of the following Operating systems is better for implementing a Client-Server network
    (17)My Computer was introduced from
    (18)Which of the following Windows do not have Start button
    (19)Which is the latest version of MS Windows?
    (20)Which of the following does not support more than one program at a time?
    (21)Which of the following is not an operating system?
    (22)Linux is a(n) ....... operating system
    (23)Which operating system can you give smallest file name?
    (24)Which one is not operating system?
    (25)Which of the following is not a multitasking operating system?