Following are some of the multiple choice questions on the ELECTRICAL-CIRCUITS with answers that will help the students in developing their knowledge.
(1)Conventional flow assumes charges flow from
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(2)Electron flow assumes charges flow from
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(3)Series resonance occurs when
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(4)The symbol Q refers to
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(5)The ratio of W/VA in an ac circuit means
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(6)What is the reciprocal of quality factor?
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(7)In liquids and gases, ionization current results from a flow of
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(8)VL = VC in a series RLC circuit when
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(9)At what frequency will an inductor of 5mH have the same reactance as a capacitor of 0.1 µF?
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(10)Property of an electric circuit that dissipates electric energy
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(11)What is the other name of relative permittivity?
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(12)In a series RLC circuit
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(13)Resistor with colored bands in the body
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(14)In a resonant circuit, if Q ≥ 10 resonant frequency bandwidth.
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(15)Which of the following conditions is not true for a series RLC circuit at resonance?
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(16)The current is times the maximum current at half-power points of a resonance curve.
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(17)A gang capacitor is a variable capacitor in which capacitance is varied by changing the
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(18)In an ac circuit with inductive reactance, the
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(19)If three 9 mH inductors are connected in parallel without mutual inductance then the total inductance is
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(20)What is the specific resistance of a pure germanium?
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(21)Two capacitors of capacitance 9 µF and 18 µF in series will have a total capacitance of
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(22)In a series RLC circuit
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(23)A series RLC circuit has a power factor at its half-power points
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(24)A tank circuit is a
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(25)A capacitive load always has a power facto
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(26)Which of the following amplifier is considered linear?